This platform is the culmination of working with and listening to hundreds of Beavercreek families JUST LIKE US. It is broken into four parts: Civics, Parks & Rec, Infrastructure, and Culture.
City Council
- Candidate’s Position: Beavercreek’s current leadership is failing Beavercreek
- The current leadership is out of touch with Beavercreek families JUST LIKE US.
- They waste time on costly and ineffective measures.
- Their legislation failure rate is about 45%!!
- Josh’s Plan: I will work to get our passage rate over 80%.
Financial Responsibility
- Candidate’s Position: Beavercreek needs more fiscal conservatism
- Current administration is spending more money than we have.
- Efforts have NOT been made to reduce spending and operate more efficiently.
- Yet, the current administration continues to ask for more money through levies.
- Josh’s Plan: Balance the budget, even when its hard.
- Candidate’s Position: Beavercreek should resist changing it’s tax plan until it can be shown to citizens that the current way is no longer sustainable
- Alternative plans should be evaluated and compared.
- Once a plan appropriate to Beavercreek’s future is selected, it should REPLACE the current plan.
- Government’s ability to tax the citizens should be LIMITED, we do not need 2 taxes.
- Focus should be making taxation fair, reducing impact on seniors as they have paid their fair share already.
- Josh’s Plan: Step 1: eliminate wasteful spending, Step 2: make our current tax plan work, and Step 3: if the budget call still then not be balances, then we look at a different tax plan.
Community Policing
- Candidate’s Position: Beavercreek Police should be engrained in our community
- More presence within local businesses.
- Should remain “keepers of the peace” and not “law enforcement”.
- Police station should be updated responsibly to a location that has more than 1 egress.
- Josh’s Plan: Put more emphasis on community policing and citizen engagement.
Residential Poultry
- Candidate’s Position: If enough of our fellow residents want this and it can be done safely, Beavercreek citizens should have a residential option
- Should include responsible and reasonable rules like tying the number of animals to acreage.
- No roosters, only laying hens.
- Should be a cost savings for citizens while promoting healthy farm-to-table habits.
- Josh’s Plan: Develop a way to allow residential poultry in Beavercreek that has only positive results.
Parks and Recreation
Spring Hill Park
- Candidate’s Position: Spring Hill Park is an example of old government leadership
- “Purchase first, pay later” is not sustainable for Beavercreek’s future.
- Proposed design does not align with Beavercreek’s values.
- Because this land is now park land and cannot be developed later into housing, it can be a positive for citizens if not burdened with costly, development plans.
- Josh’s Plan: Have a way to purchase and gain citizen consensus before make city defining acquisitions
Beavercreek Golf Course
- Candidate’s Position: Golf Course should be held accountable to the terms that voters approved
- A plan should be put in place to make the property a profitable venture.
- If profitability cannot be achieved, we should evaluate alternative uses to mitigate taxpayer burden.
- Underperforming assets should be turned into higher performing ones.
- Josh’s Plan: Evaluate Beavercreek Golf Course’s ability to satisfy conditions, as it was presented to citizens. It will NOT be allowed to continue in current operations unless it is generating revenue on its own for the city.
Volleyball Courts
- Candidate’s Position: Beavercreek has no public volleyball courts
- Beavercreek High School teams are forced to practice in the rival cities that we compete.
- No option anywhere in the parks system.
- Josh’s Plan: Create a Volleyball court in one of our many parks, if it can be afforded.
Community Gardens
- Candidate’s Position: Beavercreek has no community garden space
- Community gardens allow individuals and clubs (such as Scout Troops, etc.) free access for places to grow plants.
- Infrastructure already exists for management of spaces.
- Treat spaces like rental facilities or park shelters.
- Josh’s Plan: Create a garden space in one of our many parks if it can be afforded.
Popcorn Festival
- Candidate’s Position: Popcorn Festival needs modernization
- Match the excitement of volunteers that plan and execute the event with more City efforts.
- Evaluate potential of adopting a new theme.
- Migrate to more entertainment for adults and children.
- Josh’s Plan: Bring in more entertainment and survey citizens if they want a new theme.
Utility Pricing
- Candidate’s Position: Beavercreek residents pay too much for utilities
- Harness all of Beavercreek’s buying power (50k citizens) to negotiate lower prices from utility suppliers.
- This can be used on all 3rd party supplied utilities.
- Reevaluate existing relationships with providers and renegotiate.
- This is a simple solution to provide more VALUE to Beavercreek families.
- Josh’s Plan: Aggregate all 3rd partied supplied utilities.
Zoning for THC Dispensaries
- Candidate’s Position: Beavercreek should increase zoning for additional dispensaries
- THC products represent a lower cost, safer alternative medicine for Beavercreek seniors than many pharmaceuticals.
- By only zoning 1 dispensary, Beavercreek has a monopoly in town.
- Lack of competition has led to highest prices in the state.
- Permits for THC Dispensaries are a profitable revenue stream ($15,000 annually).
- Beavercreek residents once again fail to achieve all available VALUE.
- Josh’s Plan: Create additional permits to allow for an addition store.
School Board Partnership
- Candidate’s Position: City leadership should find more ways to work with school leadership to reduce taxes
- An example, busing is a high-cost factor for Beavercreek schools.
- Students close to school could walk, if sidewalks and crosswalks were available for all schools.
- The cost of the improvements to the city could have operational costs for schools.
- A solution like this is beneficial to taxpayers, which should be motivation enough.
- Josh’s Plan: Work together with the School Board together for reduce tax burdens on all citizens through collaborative projects.
Mosquito Infestation
- Candidate’s Position: Beavercreek should address growing mosquito population
- West Nile and other diseases continue to be found in local mosquito populations.
- Engage our experts on responsible and effective reduction options.
- Look to other jurisdictions and regional neighbors to reproduce their success.
- Josh’s Plan: Conduct a research study through the Parks Department on infestation modeling and mitigation.
Highway Noise
- Candidate’s Position: All residents homes should have access to sound protection for their homes from highway noises
- Sound walls should be installed for all afflicted areas.
- Road projects can be grant funded by the State.
- Promotes higher quality of life for families.
- Promotes safety and security in our neighborhoods.
- Josh’s Plan: Engage Ohio Department of Transportation on a grant to extend area sound walls throughout the Beavercreek area.
Obsolete Inventory
- Candidate’s Position: Beavercreek should have a mechanism to recoup funds for obsolete equipment and inventory
- Work with a reseller like govdeals.com to recoup funds from otherwise scrapped materials.
- Direct conversion from waste to revenue.
- Josh’s Plan: Designate a point person within city infrastructure to offload all obsolete inventory through a 3rd party reseller.
Signature Dish
- Position: Beavercreek deserves a signature dish
- Other cities around the nation have signature dishes.
- Citywide survey for submissions of what the dish could be.
- Citywide contest to determine who’s is best.
- Josh’s Plan: Hold a citywide contest at local area businesses that want to participate. Each will promote their selection and citizens will pick which dish is best.
Summer Car Cruise-Ins
- Position: Friday Cruise-In gatherings should have a permanent home
- 20+ year, local group is displaced every couple of years because they do not have a permanent home.
- Beavercreek has underutilized parks that could provide a solution.
- With a fixed location, this could result in a better event with bathroom facilities and food vendors.
- Josh’s Plan: Using existing infrastructure, create a reservation system for large group organizations.
Beavercreek Flag
- Position: Beavercreek should have a city flag design
- Unlike previous attempts using expensive consultants, hold a local contest for submissions.
- Citizens can vote on the best design.
- Winner earns a scholarship.
- Pretty basic, first tier, civic engagement.
- Josh’s Plan: Hold a design contest through the school system and give the winning concept a scholarship.